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Viewing website implies consent to set cookies on your computer. Full details Swaledale and Arkengarthdale Archaeology Group
Registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation Number 1155775
SWAAG Honorary President:
Tim Laurie F,S,A,

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 *****SWAAG_ID***** 874
 Date Entered 11/04/2015
 Updated on 12/04/2015
 Recorded by Tim Laurie
 Category Settlement
 Record Type Archaeology
 SWAAG Site Name 
 Site Type 
 Site Name 
 Site Description 
 Site Access Public Access Land
 Record Date 09/04/2015
 Location The route of a walk to visit Prehistoric Round House Settlement on Harland Hill from Whitrow Farm in Walden
 Civil Parish Carlton Town
 Brit. National Grid SE 0270 8376
 Altitude 460
 Geology Spring line at base of upper slope of Harland Hill. Concave slope over impervious shales overlooking the wide glaciated ridge covered with glacial hummocky drift between Walden and Coverdale. Harland Hill is formed from hard Namurian chert and sandstone strata streamlined by ice to a characteristic glacial landform, see photos . The Main Limestone with mineralised faults marked by isolated shaft mounds is exposed as a small ravine at the head of the glacially enlarged U shaped Cumma Gill.
 Record Name A SWAAG walk to the Prehistoric Round House Settlement on Harland Hill from Whitrow Farm, in Walden.
 Record Description On a fine April Day 14 SWAAG members walked from Whitrow Farm in Walden to visit the recently recognised High Level Prehistoric Round House Settlement at Jenkins Folds on Harland Hil,returning via the head of Cumma Gill and the track which follows the Moor Edge above Fleensop Farm. NOTES 1.For details of the Prehistoric Settlement on Harland Hill See SWAAG Records Nos 807,808 and 809. 2.SWAAG Members on this walk would agree that Walden Dale is a most beautiful and interesting area. A total of 19 SWAAG Records can be accessed (Search the Database for Keyword: Walden) to see examples of the woodlands and settlements located on and below some of the more remote limestone scars at Walden Head.
 Dimensions Jenkins Fold Settlement measures 350m *100. overall. See initial survey plan below.
 Geographical area 
 Scientific Name 
 Common / Notable Species 
 Tree and / or Stem Girth 
 Tree: Position / Form / Status 
 Tree Site ID 0
 Associated Site SWAAG ID 0
 Additional Notes The following is a summary of my earlier SWAAG Records No 807-808 and 809 of the previous recording of the enclosures on Harland Hill known as Jenkins Folds which had been interpreted from aerial photography as possibly Romano British in origine possibly reused as medieval and later sheep folds however the 18 round house platforms which are necessary to interpret the site had not been seen: 'Following the previous Initial Record (SWAAG 808) of this site, a further visit has been made to establish the extent of the site and subsequent discussion with Robert White at the YDNP has revealed that this Site had been 'picked up by the OS 6” and the Yorkshire Dales Mapping Project and referred to as: “ Substantial network of original stone-built enclosures and interlinked folds. The sites are marked as 'Jenkins Folds' on the 1st Edition OS mapping and at least some of the remains surely were used as large stock enclosures through the post-medieval period. In form they are similar to possible prehistoric or Romano-British enclosure systems in the more upland areas of the Park and it is possible that the site had early origins and was then adapted to a purely stock enclosure use during the medieval and post-medieval periods. A survey and ground examination would be beneficial for the interpretation of the site”. Robert has confirmed that the YDNP Database Record MYD16255 which has now been updated following my visit and the opinion that the site is a prehistoric settlement of at least 18 round house platforms or hut circles. The enclosure banks abut or are tangential to the round houses and I have not seen evidence of intrusive or later stone walling indicative of subsequent reoccupation as sheep fold. In these circumstances the enclosures are considered to be associated and contemporary with the round house settlement. The house platforms and hut circles are shrouded by moorland vegetation and very difficult to recognise from aerial photographs or Google Earth.
 Image 1 ID 6200         Click image to enlarge
 Image 1 Description Harland Hill seen from the track from Whitrow Farm.
 Image 2 ID 6201         Click image to enlarge
 Image 2 Description SWAAG consider a possible round cairn and alignment of four rocks, three set on edge.
 Image 3 ID 6202         Click image to enlarge
 Image 3 Description SWAAG consider a possible round cairn and alignment of four rocks, three set on edge.
 Image 4 ID 6203         Click image to enlarge
 Image 4 Description The gate through the Parish Boundary Wall we were hoping to find.
 Image 5 ID 6204         Click image to enlarge
 Image 5 Description The approach to Harland Hill follows the wall forming the Boundary between the Parishes of Burton cum Walden and CarltonTown/Gammersgill in Coverdale.
 Image 6 ID 6205         Click image to enlarge
 Image 6 Description A leisurely walk with a minute to discuss who will win the election
 Image 7 ID 6206         Click image to enlarge
 Image 7 Description Glacial hummocks of graceful streamlined profile, or small drumlins indicate that the Wensleydale Ice once overrode this ridge.
 Image 8 ID 6207         Click image to enlarge
 Image 8 Description Most impressive of these glacial landforms is Harland Hill.
 Image 9 ID 6208         Click image to enlarge
 Image 9 Description Arrival at the first round house.
 Image 10 ID 6209         Click image to enlarge
 Image 10 Description Swaag stand on the perimeter of the first of the round houses.
 Image 11 ID 6210
 Image 11 Description Harland Hill. Settlement at Jenkins Folds. Initial walkover survey plan. TCL May 2014. Detailed larger scale survey to follow.
 Image 12 ID 6212
 Image 12 Description Swaag take lunch in one of the twelve round houses located on the contouring enclosure bank overlooking the enclosures.
 Image 13 ID 6213
 Image 13 Description The first luncheon party to be held at this address for at least 2800 years!
 Image 14 ID 6214
 Image 14 Description One of the upper row of house platforms.
 Image 15 ID 6215
 Image 15 Description One of the two very substantial enclosure banks which separate the three paddock like enclosures.
 Image 16 ID 6216
 Image 16 Description The lower enclosure bank under consideration.
 Image 17 ID 6217
 Image 17 Description The lower enclosure bank under consideration.
 Image 18 ID 6218
 Image 18 Description Round house at the lower edge of the enclosures.
 Image 19 ID 6219
 Image 19 Description Round house at the lower edge of the enclosures.
 Image 20 ID 6220
 Image 20 Description Round house at the lower edge of the enclosures.
 Image 21 ID 6221
 Image 21 Description The substantial enclosure bank and more discussion on the election perhaps.
 Image 22 ID 6222
 Image 22 Description 
 Image 23 ID 6223
 Image 23 Description Cumma Gill.
 Image 24 ID 6224
 Image 24 Description Old multi stem ash trees on the limestone scar at Cumma Gill
 Image 25 ID 6225
 Image 25 Description 
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