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Viewing website implies consent to set cookies on your computer. Full details Swaledale and Arkengarthdale Archaeology Group
Registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation Number 1155775
SWAAG Honorary President:
Tim Laurie F,S,A,

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 *****SWAAG_ID***** 708
 Date Entered 26/03/2013
 Updated on 27/03/2013
 Recorded by Tim Laurie
 Category Tree Site Record
 Record Type Botanical HER
 SWAAG Site Name 
 Site Type 
 Site Name 
 Site Description 
 Site Access Public Access Land
 Record Date 16/03/2013
 Location Orgate Scar West from the west end of the Scar to the wall which forms the boundary with Clints Wood.
 Civil Parish Marske
 Brit. National Grid NZ 0944 0212
 Altitude 315m
 Geology Talus or scree slope below sheer cliff formed from Richmond Chert strata overlying the Main Limestone.
 Record Name Orgate Scar. Four very large yew trees rooted in the limestone scree at the foot of the sheer scar.
 Record Description This record is the Part Three of a SWAAG Record in Five Parts each Part recorded on a separate record which together are intended to provides a photo portrait of the relict woodland which survives on and below Orgate Scar. Orgate Scar is the western section of Clints Scar and extends for a distance of 500m west from the wall which forms the boundary between Orgate Scar and Clints Scar at NZ09520208. The five parts to this Photo Record of Orgate Scar are defined as follows. SWAAG Record No 195 Part One A: An introduction to the Ash and Yew Dominant Woodland on and below Orgate and Clints Scars as seen in Early Summer. SWAAG Record No 700 Part One B: An introduction to the Ash and Yew Dominant Woodland on and below Orgate and Clints Scars as seen in Late Winter. SWAAG Record No 702 Part Two: Relict Limestone Ash Woodland below Orgate Scar, comprising photofile of ash trees selected to be representative of the final survivors of species rich limestone ash woodland once present across the whole of the fell side below Orgate Scar, now scattered old trees on open rocky scree and flower rich stony pasture. SWAAG RECORD No 708 Part Three: Four very large Yew trees and one ash tree all rooted at the top of the limestone scree below the cliff. SWAAG Record No To follow Part FOUR: The Cliff Edge Yews and Trees of Other Species on the face of Orgate Scar. SWAAG Record No 710 To follow Part FIVE: The vegetation on and below Orgate and Clints Scars.
 Geographical area Swaledale North Bank Catchment
 Species Yew
 Scientific Name 
 Common / Notable Species 
 Tree and / or Stem Girth 
 Tree: Position / Form / Status 
 Tree Site ID 0
 Associated Site SWAAG ID 0
 Additional Notes All four of the very large yew trees photographed in this Record are rooted in scree at the foot of the cliff. All of these trees have been recorded within the Woodland Trust Ancient Tree Hunt (ATH) and rated as Ancient Trees. Details of the four yew trees are as follows: A.T.H. Girth SWAAG Image No Tree No 62568 4.40m Estimated 62711 4.00m Estimated 62710 6.40m 62709 4.00m Estimated, but looks to be more!
 Image 1 ID 4278         Click image to enlarge
 Image 1 Description View southward over Clints Wood from Yew No 3 at the base of the Scar
 Image 2 ID 4279         Click image to enlarge
 Image 2 Description View of the Scar Winter.
 Image 3 ID 4280         Click image to enlarge
 Image 3 Description Orgate Scar and Yew No 1
 Image 4 ID 4281         Click image to enlarge
 Image 4 Description Yew No 1
 Image 5 ID 4282         Click image to enlarge
 Image 5 Description Yew No 1 4.40m girth.
 Image 6 ID 4297         Click image to enlarge
 Image 6 Description Yew No 1 as seen from the west in September 2010. This yew rises from a bole which is part visible below scree and is 4.40m in girth.
 Image 7 ID 4298         Click image to enlarge
 Image 7 Description Yew No 1 4.40m girth. Detail of base of tree in scree.
 Image 8 ID 4285         Click image to enlarge
 Image 8 Description Yew Nos 2, 3 and 4 in scree at base of Orgate Scar
 Image 9 ID 4286         Click image to enlarge
 Image 9 Description Yew Nos 2, 3 and 4 in scree at base of Orgate Scar
 Image 10 ID 4287         Click image to enlarge
 Image 10 Description Yew Nos 3 and 4 in scree at base of Orgate Scar
 Image 11 ID 4280
 Image 11 Description Yew No 1 and western end of Orgate Scar
 Image 12 ID 4281
 Image 12 Description Yew No 1 and western end of Orgate Scar
 Image 13 ID 4282
 Image 13 Description Yew No 1 and western end of Orgate Scar
 Image 14 ID 4283
 Image 14 Description Yew No 1 and western end of Orgate Scar
 Image 15 ID 4284
 Image 15 Description Yew No 1 and western end of Orgate Scar
 Image 16 ID 4285
 Image 16 Description Yew Nos 2,3 and 4 at the top of the scree, seen from below.
 Image 17 ID 4286
 Image 17 Description Yew Nos 3 and 4 seen from below with scattered ash trees.
 Image 18 ID 4287
 Image 18 Description Yew Nos 2,3 and 4
 Image 19 ID 4288
 Image 19 Description Yew Nos 2,3 and 4 seen from the west.
 Image 20 ID 4289
 Image 20 Description Yew Nos 2,3 and 4 seen from below with cliff edge yews
 Image 21 ID 4290
 Image 21 Description Yew Nos 2,3 and 4 seen from below with cliff edge yews
 Image 22 ID 4291
 Image 22 Description Yew No 2. Detail at base of this tree which is recorded as 4.4m girth
 Image 23 ID 4292
 Image 23 Description Yew No 3. Detail at base of this tree which is recorded as 6.4m girth
 Image 24 ID 4293
 Image 24 Description Yew No 4. Detail at base of this tree which is recorded as 4.0m girth but looks to be more that this.
 Image 25 ID 4295
 Image 25 Description Yew No 4 with ash tree rooted in scree at base of the Scar.
 Image 26 ID 4296
 Image 26 Description The old ash tree at the base of the Scar
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