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Viewing website implies consent to set cookies on your computer. Full details Swaledale and Arkengarthdale Archaeology Group
Registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation Number 1155775
SWAAG Honorary President:
Tim Laurie F,S,A,

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 *****SWAAG_ID***** 228
 Date Entered 19/06/2011
 Updated on 19/06/2011
 Recorded by Tim Laurie
 Category Settlement
 Record Type Archaeology
 SWAAG Site Name 
 Site Type 
 Site Name 
 Site Description 
 Site Access Public Footpath
 Record Date 29/03/2011
 Location East Applegarth. \'Fort\' below Willance\'s Leap
 Civil Parish Richmond
 Brit. National Grid NZ 137 019
 Altitude 220m
 Geology Kame terrace below sheer cliff formed by the Underset Limestone. Prominant protalus rampart visible at the front edge of this kame terrace may have been removed on the southern edge of the 'fort'. This feature has been penetrated by a deep hollow way which forms the eastern approach to the settlement.
 Record Name Defended settlement below Willance's Leap.
 Record Description Rectangular settlement, described as a 'fort' on the OS map, defined by massive stone dump banks on the east and western sides and by a substantially slighter faced stone wall on the front or southern edge of the terrace. The present scree slope forms the rear or northern side. At least one stone founded round house is clearly visible at the front of the enclosure together with several other stone walled structures which may be house enclosures or stock pens. The outstanding features of this site are the massive stone banks on the eat and western sides. Two beehive structures within the eastern bank have collapsed and are visible although infilled with rubble and domestic rubbish.Other similar features may exist within the undisturbed remaining section of the eastern bank. The massive western bank almost certainly contains further undisturbed bewhive structures. This is a photographic portrait of the site which was excavated in the 19th C. but very little evidence of this excavation survives. The finds were said to be characteristic of domestic occupation of Roman date. The stone founded structures are the final abandonment phase of occupation. There may well be earlier timber structures on the site which have left no surface trace. A series of enclosed fields bounded by massive face stone walls are evident to the east and to the west and below the settlement enclosure. Until dutch elm disease killed the trees, the site was in mature woodland, see photo taken 25 years ago.
 Dimensions See photographs.
 Geographical area 
 Scientific Name 
 Common / Notable Species 
 Tree and / or Stem Girth 
 Tree: Position / Form / Status 
 Tree Site ID 0
 Associated Site SWAAG ID 0
 Additional Notes There is rumour that this site may have been a work camp or 'Gulag' for slave miners close to the rich lead veins, the surface workings of which cut Whitcliffe Scar to the west and which are visible at the head of Deepdale. However this site is more probably a high status farmstead settlement and the beehive structures probably cold stores rather than prison cells!
 Image 1 ID 807         Click image to enlarge
 Image 1 Description The settlement terrace seen from high ground to the west of the enclosure
 Image 2 ID 808         Click image to enlarge
 Image 2 Description The settlement terrace seen from high ground to the west of the enclosure
 Image 3 ID 809         Click image to enlarge
 Image 3 Description The settlement and hollow way entrance which cuts the glacial moraine protalus ramart to the east of the enclosure.
 Image 4 ID 810         Click image to enlarge
 Image 4 Description As last
 Image 5 ID 812         Click image to enlarge
 Image 5 Description The settlement as seen from the eastern enclosures.
 Image 6 ID 813         Click image to enlarge
 Image 6 Description The south eastern corner of the settlement with early field system below.
 Image 7 ID 814         Click image to enlarge
 Image 7 Description Settlement and hollow way from the east.
 Image 8 ID 815         Click image to enlarge
 Image 8 Description Collapsed beehive structure with very large lintol over creep entrance passage.
 Image 9 ID 816         Click image to enlarge
 Image 9 Description Collapsed beehive structure with very large lintol over creep entrance passage.
 Image 10 ID 817         Click image to enlarge
 Image 10 Description Collapsed beehive structure with very large lintol over creep entrance passage.
 Image 11 ID 819
 Image 11 Description The massive western bank.
 Image 12 ID 818
 Image 12 Description The massive western bank.
 Image 13 ID 820
 Image 13 Description Historical image of the settlement before the elm trees died from Dutch Elm Disease
 Image 14 ID 821
 Image 14 Description Front of the settlement with enclosures below.
 Image 15 ID 822
 Image 15 Description View of the 'fort' from the west with coast to coast footpath below.
 Image 16 ID 823
 Image 16 Description Early enclosure wall. Detail showing large orthostat facings at corner.
 Image 17 ID 824
 Image 17 Description Early enclosure wall crosing the terrace to the east of the settlement revetted by very large slabs set on edge (Orthostats).
 Image 18 ID 825
 Image 18 Description Early enclosure wall crossing the terrace west of the settlement at least two metres wide with faced edges and rubble fill
 Image 19 ID 826
 Image 19 Description Stone walled enclosures cross the terrace to the east of the settlement.
 Image 20 ID 827
 Image 20 Description Large round house platform located just 5m from the side of the coast to coast footpath!
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