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Viewing website implies consent to set cookies on your computer. Full details Swaledale and Arkengarthdale Archaeology Group
Registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation Number 1155775
SWAAG Honorary President:
Tim Laurie F,S,A,

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 *****SWAAG_ID***** 288
 Date Entered 30/10/2011
 Updated on 22/08/2012
 Recorded by Tim Laurie
 Category Tree/Shrub Record
 Record Type Botanical HER
 SWAAG Site Name 
 Site Type 
 Site Name 
 Site Description 
 Site Access Private
 Record Date 28/10/2011
 Location Clapgate Bank Scar
 Civil Parish Marske
 Brit. National Grid NZ 1200 0230
 Altitude 250m
 Geology Main Limestone cliff at springhead of incutting stream.
 Record Name Ancient Yew at Clapgate Bank Scar
 Record Description Isolated multistem yew on face of limestone cliff estmated to be 5m-6m girth. The only other trees on this cliff are rowans and a single ash tree.
 Dimensions 5-6m girth estimated
 Geographical area Swaledale North Bank Catchment
 Species Yew
 Scientific Name Taxus baccata
 Common / Notable Species Ash, rowan only trees here.
 Tree and / or Stem Girth 5-6m girth estimated.
 Tree: Position / Form / Status Multistem live yew on face of cliff. Ancient tree.
 Tree Site ID 287
 Associated Site SWAAG ID 0
 Additional Notes This is an exceptional specimen yew tree. It is of great girth and, rooted on the face of the cliff must be of great age and extremely slow in growth.It is in good health. Note that the root system is exposed on the face of the cliff. These great serpent like roots must have penetrated the fine joint fissures of the limestone to expand through time and completely destabilise the cliff causing rock falls. In so doing becoming exposed at the face of the cliff and adding to the scree debris below. Yews may be poisonous to stock especially to sheep and it is to the great credit that this tree and other yews in this area have been respected by the Land Owner/Farmers. Cliff Yews are very rare in Wensleydale and may have been removed as a risk to stock.
 Image 1 ID 1094         Click image to enlarge
 Image 1 Description The Clapgate Yew
 Image 2 ID 1095         Click image to enlarge
 Image 2 Description The Clapgate Yew
 Image 3 ID 1096         Click image to enlarge
 Image 3 Description The Clapgate Yew
 Image 4 ID 1097         Click image to enlarge
 Image 4 Description The Clapgate Yew
 Image 5 ID 1098         Click image to enlarge
 Image 5 Description The Clapgate Yew
 Image 6 ID 1100         Click image to enlarge
 Image 6 Description The Clapgate Yew
 Image 7 ID 1101         Click image to enlarge
 Image 7 Description The Clapgate Yew
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