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Viewing website implies consent to set cookies on your computer. Full details Swaledale and Arkengarthdale Archaeology Group
Registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation Number 1155775
SWAAG Honorary President:
Tim Laurie F,S,A,
SWAAG News Archive
  News Archive
Day Five: Twitterstorm
My poor old phone was pinging its little socks off yesterday evening as the archaeological Twitter community responded to images of our pottery finds and their possible interpretation by Eniko. Was it Crambeck? Was there some BB1? Exciting times! It is great to see this SWAAG project being recognised and discussed in the wider world thanks to social media and the internet. Also good to see that some of our lovely volunteers have begun to "follow" the SWAAG Twitter feed @archaeology_s. I will continue to post fresh tweets daily.
So the trowelling-back continued today in the glorious Swaledale sunshine. Star find of the day was this fragment of a quern and another "matching" piece. This is of a smaller diameter than the stone found during last year's dig, which was on a more "industrial" scale and gave rise to much speculation about the purpose of this site. There was also another quern fragment found in a different part of the site, perhaps a third quern or possibly used as part of the fabric of a wall.
A sad goodbye to Mick Coates, the professional archaeologist who has been supervising our efforts over the weekend. Mick has been a real asset to the dig: boundless energy, sound advice and a willingness to get stuck in with trowel and wheelbarrow when needed. His son Jack worked tirelessly alongside the diggers and was a great mentor for some of the younger volunteers. Hopefully they will be visiting again as things progress.
More and more "Hagg 2017" t-shirts are making an appearance amongst our diggers. We only have a limited number and they are going fast; some sizes are selling out already. If you would like one please contact or ask a member of the SWAAG team on-site.
Quern found today The exclusive Hagg t-shirt
Click Images to Enlarge
News Record: 8     Updated: 10-07-2017 18:01:46