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Viewing website implies consent to set cookies on your computer. Full details Swaledale and Arkengarthdale Archaeology Group
Registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation Number 1155775
SWAAG Honorary President:
Tim Laurie F,S,A,
SWAAG News Archive
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Roman Pottery Expert Interprets Hagg Finds
Speaking to an appreciative audience at The Buck last night, Eniko Hudak gave us a detailed and interesting interpretation of Roman pottery finds from the 2016 and 2017 digs on The Hagg. While most rural sites yield mostly quantities of greyware, she said, our site is unusual for the range of different fabrics and forms with a strong late-fourth century component. It also suggests that nearby Catterick was a centre for the redistribution of goods at this time.
Eniko pointed out that the overall amounts were small; a London site would typically yield many kilos of pot. In 2016, 274g out of 379g was E. Yorks calcite (shell)- gritted ware (R4) and in 2017 the proportion was 674g out of 1920g. In 2017 we also dug up 25 sherds of Samian and 626g of Crambeck ware. There were examples of Dorset BB1, a very common find along Hadrians Wall. Her favourite sherd was the rim of a Crambeck white-ware bowl (no grit incorporated so not a mortarium) dated 350-400AD. Eniko is a passionate supporter of community archaeology and we are fortunate to have had the benefit of her expertise. She posts regularly (and entertainingly) on Twitter as @sherdnerdE.
Eniko visits the Hagg Finds bagged up, ready to go to the experts
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News Record: 44     Updated: 23-05-2018 10:49:07