Swaledale and Arkengarthdale Archaeology Group
The  Swaledale Project 7000 Years of a Landscape and its People
 Registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation Number 1155775 
Swaledale Big Dig : Either click this email link: Send Mail to the Big Dig or fill in this simple form and click the Submit button.  
  Please note this is a Swaledale, Yorkshire, UK, community project.
If you live outside the UK or cannot attend any of these events researching the history of these three villages in Swaledale, then we can only send you a newsletter if requested. Sorry.
  Enquiry Form - Let us know your interests  
  • First Name:
  • Last Name:
  • E-mail: (Required to receive newsletter or e-mail reply)
  • Telephone:
  • Address 1:
  • Address 2:
  • Address 3:
  • Address 4:
  • Post Code:
  • I am interested in attending courses and activities to be held (for the most part) in Swaledale:
    (Tick as many boxes as required and complete the e-mail address box correctly)
  • British Archaeology
  • Finds Handling and Recording
  • Archaeology Illustration
  • Interpreting Aerial Photographs/Lidar
  • Geophysics
  • Topographical Survey using GPS
  • Landscape History
  • Archive Studies
  • I want to dig a 1 metre square test pit in my garden   (If ticked please complete the address section above)
  • I will allow a 1 metre square test pit to be dug in my garden   (If ticked please complete the address section above)
  • I would like to help to dig someone else's test pit   (If ticked please complete the address section above)
  • I want to receive the SWAAG Swaledale Big Dig Newsletter
  • If you have any other suggestions or information please use the Message Box below.
To send this form to SWAAG:  you must enter this number 11 into this box and click Submit Form