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Swaledale and Arkengarthdale Archaeology Group

SWAAG Honorary President: 
Tim Laurie FSA
Occupiers: Mary Stones
Record Number TownshipLandownersPlan NumberLand DescriptionState of CultivationAcresRent to VicarImproprieters Rent
 acre:rood:perch £-s-d £-s-d
 4634 ArkengarthdaleLords of Arkendale324Hodgson piecePasture00:03:10 0-0-4
 4635 ArkengarthdaleLords of Arkendale325Cottage00:00:04
 4636 ArkengarthdaleLords of Arkendale326Sleegill fieldMeadow05:00:16 0-6-3
 4637 ArkengarthdaleLords of Arkendale327Low pasturePasture03:01:23 0-1-6
 4638 ArkengarthdaleLords of Arkendale328High pasturePasture04:03:00 0-2-1
 4982 ArkengarthdaleLords of ArkendaleSummary14:0:130-10-2

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You are free to use SWAAG's Archival Digital content with acknowledgment to SWAAG and the North Yorkshire County Council Records Office.

Registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation (England & Wales) Number 1155775 SWALEDALE AND ARKENGARTHDALE ARCHAEOLOGICAL GROUP