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Swaledale and Arkengarthdale Archaeology Group

SWAAG Honorary President: 
Tim Laurie FSA
Occupiers: James White
Record Number TownshipLandownersPlan NumberLand DescriptionState of CultivationAcresRent to VicarImproprieters Rent
 acre:rood:perch £-s-d £-s-d
 3503 MelbecksGeorge Robinson1000High fieldGrass00:02:170-0-4
 3504 MelbecksGeorge Robinson1006Dwelling house and Court00:00:08
 3505 MelbecksGeorge Robinson1007Low fieldGrass02:03:110-1-10
 6505 MukerThomas Smith281CowpasturePasture67:03:101-12-7
 6506 MukerThomas Smith282BarfMeadow09:00:100-7-0
 6507 MukerThomas Smith283West SpenMeadow02:03:160-4-1.5
 6508 MukerThomas Smith284Scar TopWood00:00:16
 6509 MukerThomas Smith285Toad HoleMeadow01:01:330-1-7
 6510 MukerThomas Smith286Morrel Hole Scars and WoodWood01:03:380-0-2.5
 6511 MukerThomas Smith287East SpenMeadow04:03:120-5-10
 6512 MukerThomas Smith288Long HolmeMeadow02:00:000-2-2
 6513 MukerThomas Smith289New CloseMeadow02:03:080-2-0
 6514 MukerThomas Smith290Waife PiecePasture00:02:200-0-3
 6515 MukerThomas Smith291Folds00:00:16
 6516 MukerThomas Smith292Nans Intake30:00:070-5-5.5
 6517 MukerThomas Smith293Piece in East GillPasture01:00:060-0-5
 6518 MukerThomas Smith294Geordys CloseMeadow13:02:301-3-6
 6519 MukerThomas Smith295Calf PiecePasture02:01:160-0-2.5
 6520 MukerThomas Smith296Long TongueMeadow14:02:230-19-5.5
 6521 MukerThomas Smith297Dwelling House etc.00:00:11
 6522 MukerThomas Smith298Garden00:00:140-0-0.5
 6523 MukerThomas Smith299Good CloseMeadow05:01:300-6-6
 6524 MukerThomas Smith300Road or LanePasture01:00:090-0-1
 7046 MukerThomas SmithSummary162:0:55-11-5

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You are free to use SWAAG's Archival Digital content with acknowledgment to SWAAG and the North Yorkshire County Council Records Office.

Registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation (England & Wales) Number 1155775 SWALEDALE AND ARKENGARTHDALE ARCHAEOLOGICAL GROUP