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Swaledale and Arkengarthdale Archaeology Group

SWAAG Honorary President: 
Tim Laurie FSA
Occupiers: James Raw
Record Number TownshipLandownersPlan NumberLand DescriptionState of CultivationAcresRent to VicarImproprieters Rent
 acre:rood:perch £-s-d £-s-d
 470 GrintonRepresentatives of Thomas Hutchinson652Robin CloseMeadow04:01:080-2-1
 471 GrintonRepresentatives of Thomas Hutchinson656Whip BecksMeadow03:03:140-2-1
 472 GrintonRepresentatives of Thomas Hutchinson693Pease Briggin Pasture01:00:190-0-6
 473 GrintonRepresentatives of Thomas Hutchinson701PasturePasture01:00:360-0-5
 474 GrintonRepresentatives of Thomas Hutchinson703Well Piece and West BrowPasture02:00:140-0-8.5
 475 GrintonRepresentatives of Thomas Hutchinson704Brown ClosePasture01:03:240-0-5.5
 476 GrintonRepresentatives of Thomas Hutchinson705Rowley Sour Close Pasture04:00:350-0-3
 1046 GrintonRepresentatives of Thomas HutchinsonSummary18:02:300-6-6
 1494 ReethOverseers of the Poor of Gilling390Sand BedArable4:3:60-1-80-3-5.5
 1495 ReethOverseers of the Poor of Gilling395Holes CloseMeadow2:0:370-1-20-2-5.5
 1496 ReethOverseers of the Poor of Gilling391EmbankmentMeadow1:1:170-0-30-0-7.5
 1964 ReethAnn Orton270Five AcresMeadow2:2:380-1-1.50-2-4.5
 1965 ReethAnn Orton271Five AcresMeadow2:1:230-0-11.50-2-0
 1966 ReethAnn Orton389BottomsArable3:1:280-1-4.50-2-11
 1979 ReethRepresentatives of Simon Peacock259Old House GarthPasture0:3:140-0-20-0-4
 1980 ReethRepresentatives of Simon Peacock266Middle RiddingMeadow2:3:140-0-10.50-1-10
 1981 ReethRepresentatives of Simon Peacock387Fore CloseMeadow2:2:320-1-20-2-6
 1982 ReethRepresentatives of Simon Peacock388Dwelling House etc.0:0:6
 2462 ReethOverseers of the Poor of GillingSummary8:1:200-3-10-6-6.5
 2558 ReethAnn OrtonSummary8:2:90-3-5.50-7-3.5
 2564 ReethRepresentatives of Simon PeacockSummary6:1:260-2-2.50-4-8
 3038 MelbecksWilliam Harker of Low Row627High Ridding and Shore GillGrass00:03:030-0-4
 3039 MelbecksWilliam Harker of Low Row635Low RiddingGrass01:03:000-1-0
 3408 MelbecksJames Raw204Dwelling House00:00:01
 3708 MelbecksRepresentatives of Mary Sunter661Dwelling House etc00:00:050-0-0

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You are free to use SWAAG's Archival Digital content with acknowledgment to SWAAG and the North Yorkshire County Council Records Office.

Registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation (England & Wales) Number 1155775 SWALEDALE AND ARKENGARTHDALE ARCHAEOLOGICAL GROUP