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Swaledale and Arkengarthdale Archaeology Group

SWAAG Honorary President: 
Tim Laurie FSA
Occupiers: Edmund A Knowles
Record Number TownshipLandownersPlan NumberLand DescriptionState of CultivationAcresRent to VicarImproprieters Rent
 acre:rood:perch £-s-d £-s-d
 3158 MelbecksRepresentatives of Edmund Alderson Knowles605Quakers GarthGrass00:01:080-0-2
 3163 MelbecksRepresentatives of Edmund Alderson Knowles756Potatoe piece00:00:07
 3164 MelbecksRepresentatives of Edmund Alderson Knowles757PlantationWood00:00:18
 3165 MelbecksRepresentatives of Edmund Alderson Knowles758IslandGrass00:01:350-0-1
 3166 MelbecksRepresentatives of Edmund Alderson Knowles759Low LandsGrass02:00:000-1-2
 3167 MelbecksRepresentatives of Edmund Alderson Knowles760Piece at Barn End00:00:05
 3168 MelbecksRepresentatives of Edmund Alderson Knowles761Midward IngGrass01:03:130-1-1
 3169 MelbecksRepresentatives of Edmund Alderson Knowles762High CloseGrass04:01:350-2-11
 3170 MelbecksRepresentatives of Edmund Alderson Knowles763Watering Place00:00:06
 3171 MelbecksRepresentatives of Edmund Alderson Knowles764West and Stoned Horse CloseGrass02:03:260-2-0
 3172 MelbecksRepresentatives of Edmund Alderson Knowles765PlantationWood00:00:33
 3173 MelbecksRepresentatives of Edmund Alderson Knowles766Dwelling House etc.00:00:14
 3174 MelbecksRepresentatives of Edmund Alderson Knowles767Court etc.00:00:29
 3175 MelbecksRepresentatives of Edmund Alderson Knowles768Garden00:00:12
 3176 MelbecksRepresentatives of Edmund Alderson Knowles769Stable and Outbuildings00:00:04
 3177 MelbecksRepresentatives of Edmund Alderson Knowles770East Garden00:00:04
 3178 MelbecksRepresentatives of Edmund Alderson Knowles771Outbuildings etc.00:00:03
 3179 MelbecksRepresentatives of Edmund Alderson Knowles772Low CloseGrass02:02:130-1-9
 3180 MelbecksRepresentatives of Edmund Alderson Knowles773East CloseGrass02:00:010-1-4
 3181 MelbecksRepresentatives of Edmund Alderson Knowles774West GrainnyGrass02:01:320-1-6
 3573 MelbecksThomas Smith Esquire520Fryer IntakeGrass30:03:000-16-0

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You are free to use SWAAG's Archival Digital content with acknowledgment to SWAAG and the North Yorkshire County Council Records Office.

Registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation (England & Wales) Number 1155775 SWALEDALE AND ARKENGARTHDALE ARCHAEOLOGICAL GROUP